The world of technology is a distinct world governed by the concepts of ‘what’s hot’ and ‘what’s not’ in terms of device usage. 最终用户说了算, preferences are constantly evolving and electronic devices are changing at ground-breaking speeds.

The move from the traditional desktop to the highly-versatile world of mobility is gaining in popularity. 用户的要求越来越高. 他们的注意力持续时间正在缩短, their desire for instant gratification is growing at an immense pace, and 特性 and functionality are the ‘be-all and end-all’ of this ever-expanding world of programs, 小工具, 和小玩意.

如果你从事或专攻 软件开发, it’s critical to be up to date with the top trends in the software industry. Here we explore the top 5 软件开发趋势 that have emerged in 2016.

#1 Java和c++的受欢迎程度正在下降


这是最引人注目的 软件开发趋势 is the decline of Java和c++ as programming languages. 自然, this decline does not necessarily mean that these two programming languages will be obsolete anytime soon. It simply indicates that custom software developers are electing to use newer programming languages more abundantly and have chosen to eliminate the strong use of Java和c++.

到目前为止, there are still a large amount of jobs available for those that have experience in these two languages. 在仔细检查这些位置之后, you will see that those jobs lean more towards maintenance and support and less towards 软件开发 processes, 比如编程.



It is commonplace now to see large corporations officially adopting the NoSQL policy in terms of their critical operations and opting for 云计算流程,在数据放置方面. Windows 10 is considered to be an official predecessor of an online-based operating system.

Android is now in full preparations of a Windows 10 counterpart within Chrome. Spark甚至开始了新的项目 云计算. Each day, 云计算 is developing new forms of functionality and increased 特性. 随着越来越多的软件开发的进行, 云计算 is taking a leading role in the process.



Now that we have briefly touched on how Spark is taking advantage of 云计算, 是时候强调了 Apache火花 作为当今最流行的趋势之一 定制软件开发行业. Apache火花 is a processing engine that is completely open-source.

Many believe that this is completely transforming the IT industry. 如果你正在开发软件, 您应该利用Apache火花. 这样做的时候, 您可以放心使用这些工具, 特性, and services associated with your program are up-to-date and considered to be pertinent among your end users.



当谈到软件开发趋势时, real-time 特性 and functionality rank exceptionally high. 近年来, mobile technology has taken off and become widely accepted by internet users, 在世界范围内.

Easy access to information and hands-on 特性 at just about any location in the world has users craving more and more levels of instant gratification. 结果是, there is an immense demand for custom software that offers the ability to see, do, 实时购物. 网民们不想再等了. 期望是“现在”. 如果你是软件开发专家, it’s essential to integrate real-time components in your programs.



We all know that the mobile market is moving at intense speeds. While responsive design in and among websites is critical for online success, it is no longer enough. 软件程序也必须有响应式设计. 消费者要求实时速度, 实时解决方案, 以及实时移动的功能.

当创建自定义软件时, 不仅需要使用实时设计, but one that is also 100% responsive as your users transition from one mobile device to another. 例如, if your customer is starting an online purchase on their home computer, they should be able to complete the process on their laptop, 他们的平板电脑, 或者他们的智能手机.


Businesses, corporations, and organisations are running on carefully-designed software programs. These custom software tools provide them with the ability to launch their products and services on a global scale with the push of a button. If you’re striving to move forward, your competitive edge will be the ability to stay agile. Software development provides you with the tools that are needed to maximise your level of productivity and optimize your effectiveness in a constantly-evolving market, 如果你保持你自己和你的实践是最新的. 了解更多关于如何 定制软件开发 可以为您的企业节能, 保持联系 今天进行免费咨询!